Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sex Siren: CJ 007

CJ 007

What is sexy? Who is sexy? What makes them sexy? When posing these questions, people either have answers that contradict their previous answers, or stumble to find a way to quantify what is sexy. Sure we have society and cultural based attributes that make one person more desirable over another, but at the same time there is someone for everyone. Wit sex appeal being fluid and hard to grasp, how can anyone judge someone’s sex appeal over another’s? They can only judge based upon their own perception of what they find to be sexy. Recently I got the chance to speak with CJ 007 about the status of sex sirens, the façade of the family structure in houses, and being disassociated from the House of Milan.

CJ has been making head turns since his Super Ball 9 Hershey Kiss production, with that he became someone to watch. But watching is something that CJ has done when it comes to his fellow sex sirens, and he’s dismayed by what he has seen. “Sex siren has become so twisted and mutilated, half the sex siren who walk now are strippers or porn stars its not supposed to be that,” according to CJ, “Its supposed to be sexy, seductive, when someone sees you hit the runway, they should feel [that something is] left to the imagination.” But with so many sex sirens being naked, the mystique they have is nonexistent. But “you still have a few REAL sex sirens Kenyon [007], Elliot [Milan], Buddha [Balenciaga], they are sexy even with their clothes on.” CJ even holds hope that the category will reform back to the way it once was, those who have it just have it.

Apart from the lack of sex sirens, CJ seems to be disillusioned about the family structure in houses and the disparity in how they are perceived to function as opposed to how they really operate. From the outside looking in, its as if the House structure provides a surrogate family for individuals who may be searching for the necessary structure and support a cohesive family unit. But according to CJ this is not the case, even in first house he was in, “the first house was Manolo Blahnik I was searching for a family foundation. Even with the guidance from Jay the rest of the house was not as receptive. I felt out of place ostracized to an extent. I was the only Blahnik in my region and I didn’t even so much as get phone calls to see if I was still breathing, that’s not a family” “Everyone was real clicky…the New York kids hung with the NY kids, The Philly kids kicked it with the Philly kids…The VF ki ki’d with the VF girls”

After being a free agent for awhile CJ decided to join the house of Milan. “After speaking with Tony and meeting a few of the members I decided Milan would be a good fit for me and I decided to take the step of joining a house again. Milan is an elite house, they are successful on the runway and they exude class. But as time went once again I still didn’t get that family feel, [eventually] I was put out of the House of Milan.” The reason for CJ’s dismissal was “some of the powers that be said I had a lack of confidence and my body could use some work.” Understandably when you are exposing yourself to be judged on physical attributes there must be a certain level of confidence that one possesses. If actions and behaviors like this occur in every house then what is the purpose of joining a house? Is this the singular experience of one person with two houses, or does this speak to a larger issue of Houses, in particular house members not understanding the need to support each other both on and off the runway. But is it even the responsibility for the house or its members to provide a surrogate family for its members? With people leaving houses, joining new houses, only to return to their previous house it seems as if people are searching for something that many houses cannot or are unwilling to give.

Outside of the Ballroom scene, CJ has other activities to keep himself busy, holding an executive position in the motorcycle organization DC Ruff Ryders, events planning, and commercial print modeling are just a few. It’s been almost a year since CJ has appeared on the runway and with his outlook on the scene how much longer will it be ?

Word Association

Nudity...................Sex Siren

Perception.............The way you see something

Reading..................A book, some people need to do it

Affirmation............Don't need it from the ballroom scene

Confusion................A lot of people


1 comment:

BronzeBuckaroo said...

I'm reading all these post and enjoying myself. Are you familiar with the black gay drag balls in Harlem during the heyday of its cultural renaissance? In a number of ways, reading about these various "houses" and their extravagant events brings to mind a past where the black elite of Harlem turned out to watch gay brothers parade themselves in the finest costumes. Even papers of that era reported on such events without being mean spirited.

I think today the current Ball scene is a descendant of those during the Harlem Renaissance. The significant difference is the Ball scene now is more edifying and complicated as there is an infra-structure where substitute "families" look out for one another in time of need.