Friday, September 21, 2007

Light and Lovely: Randy Balenciaga

Light and Lovely

Perception is not always reality, after asking people for interviews, interviewing some, this came to light, those who people laud and applause are not always the ones who deserve it, while many of the ones who do deserve accolades whether they receive it or not are always gracious and humble. Many times when you see people in the ballroom scene you rarely hear them speak because they are busy on the runway. Often times I have found myself imagining the voices of those who I am interviewing prior to hearing them speak. Imagine my surprise when I called up Randy Aga and got his voicemail, his message relayed a voice both deep and full of urban inflections and patterns that I would never except from someone who walks for face. It may be due to my own inherent stereotypes of what a face kid should sound like. But upon really talking with Randy, I have come to find out that runway Randy is very different from the Randy that I interviewed. The Randy I interviewed opened up about controversies in face, his choice of house, and dating in the ballroom scene.

Two words to describe runway Randy is light and lovely. But when one looks at BQ face, there seems to be a lot of light and lovelies pumping down the runway looking to get their 10’s. Which leads to the question, in order to be successful for BQ face do you have to be light skin? “Not at all, skin tone doesn’t really have anything to do with why bq face is predominantly light or brown. There just aren’t that many dark and lovelies hitting the floor. If you have a line of face kids at a major ball waiting to receive there 10's, i can almost guarantee you that it will consist mainly of light and brown skin faces.,” is Randy’s explanation for why it seems that light skin seems to rule the category. Aside from complexion face breeds controversy to hear Randy tell it its because “beauty is in the eye of the beholder…one person may be looking for one element while someone else is looking for another version of it.

Just as face has different attributes that people gravitate to, so do houses. Some houses are known for realness, performance, labels, and of course face. With there being a few houses that are known for face I wondered why Randy chose the House of Balenciaga, “I wanted to join a house that I could cultivate with. the Balenciaga's have an aura they have family aura, a sophisticated aura. I wanted to go someplace where I could grow and not be apart of a face clan with 20 or 30 other face kids.

Being overshadowed is not a problem that Randy has to face anytime soon. Having garnered such accolades as Liberty Award Butch Queen Face of the Year NY 2007 NJ’s finest, BQ Model’s Magazine face, and being nominated BQ Face of the Year its hard to see how Randy could ever be overshadowed or being told that face was not his category. But in the beginning “I had a couple of people who would tell me when i first started walking some years back, maybe you should change your category. There was this one guy in Chicago who said I should change my category b/c he didn’t think I could go far in the scene. i wonder what he thinks now.”

With this notoriety within the ballroom scene, it must be hard to try to date someone who is a participant or knowledgeable about the scene, because there is no telling if they are with you for you, or for what you represent. “Being in this industry of ballroom you become a piece of meat in the window. Everyone wants to get a sample of it. You have to think with humility and common sense. not with what’s between your legs. I handle it by being humble, sane and mature.” Humility, personality, and a laid-back persona are the true elements of Randy Balenciaga; his face can be seen as a physical manifestation of his inner carta.

Word Association Game

Whitney Mugler...................... Icon

Harold Aga.........................Father Figure

Of the Year BALLROOM............................. Accomplishment

Grand Prizes..........................................Money

Latex Ball......................................................Biggest Ball of the year

Dating.....................................................Not sure how to answer this

1 comment:

BronzeBuckaroo said...

Added your "magazine" to Fire. Please, don't stop writing!!!! You have a wonderful and important voice.